By Staff Report on November 19, 2018
Grammy Awards, Recording Academy

In an effort to further diversify its membership body, the Recording Academy has implemented a new community-driven and peer-reviewed admissions model. As the lead governing body of the professional music industry, the Recording Academy has of late been evaluating policies across the board, implementing changes to get in step with today’s business and social leanings. […]
By Paula Parisi on June 6, 2017
congress, Daryl Friedman, Fair Play Fair Pay, HR 1836, Recording Academy
Legal, News

The addition of 15 bi-partisan co-sponsors to the “Fair Play Fair Pay Act,” H.R. 1836, has managed to create a sense of momentum for the music rights bill, which some feared would be lost amidst the storm of Russian intrigue and eco-unrest on Capitol Hill. Recording Academy Chief Industry, Government & Member Relations Officer Daryl Friedman said […]
By Paula Parisi on February 19, 2017
Coran Capshaw, Dave Matthews, ELI Service Award, Elliot Groffman, Entertainment Law Initiative, Grammy Foundation, Recording Academy
Business, News

As a longtime attorney for artists, Elliot Groffman is no stranger to taking on record labels, but to hear him recount his career highlights and assess the current state of the industry, one knows he is a conciliator, and that like every top businessman, he knows the road to a sustainable future is paved with win-wins. Groffman, […]