By Paula Parisi on May 16, 2018
Kobalt, Simon Dennett

Kobalt is a leading independent rights management and publishing company that is making waves around the world. Although Wired magazine in 2015 called it “the most important music company you’ve never heard of,” a lot has changed since then. Today, everyone who’s anyone in the industry knows Kobalt. Founded in 200 by Willard Ahdritz, a […]
By Staff Report on May 4, 2018

Music publishing and rights management firm Kobalt is dissected in Forbes, with CEO Willard Ahdritz and president Laurent Hubert interviewed by reporter Danny Ross. Among the interesting facts underscored about one of the industry’s most interesting companies: Kobalt lets songwriters keep 100% of their rights. Childish Gambino this week joined the Kobalt roster, which also […]