By Staff Report on July 26, 2017
concerts, Guns N' Roses, Justin Bieber, Pollstar, tours, U2
International, Live

They haven’t released new music in 24 years, but that hasn’t stopped Guns N’ Roses from packing ’em in to the tune of $151.5 million, making the No. 1 global concert draw in the world for the first half of 2017, according Pollstar. The touring trade publication and data firm had U2 in the second slot, with […]
By Staff Report on July 9, 2017
jail, Justin Bieber, mug shot
Justin Bieber’s 2014 Miami jailhouse photo prompts speculation he was hauled in by the fashion police. In actuality, it was drunken drag racing. “A Miami Beach officer saw Bieber driving a yellow Lamborghini in a race against a red Ferrari in a residential area of Miami Beach,” reported CNN, which described the cars speeding at about […]