By Staff Report on August 22, 2017
Chance Thomas, Lord of the Rings Online

The Lord of the Rings Online game commemorates its 10th anniversary with a HUGEsound Records commemorative soundtrack release, featuring the original music of Chance Thomas. Thomas, whose game scores include James Cameron’s Avatar: The Game, packed 26-songs into the double-album release, drawing from his Lord of the Rings work over the past two decades. “Seeing […]
By Paula Parisi on September 27, 2016
audio post production, Chance Thomas, Gaylen Rust, HUGEsound, Michael Greene, Michael McDonough, Mike Fox
Business, Facilities, Technology

The Utah tech-boom is expanding to include audio post in a big — some might say HUGE — way. Music conglomerate R Legacy Entertainment has assembled the pieces for a world-class sound enterprise that will be known as HUGEsound Post Production, expected to open its doors in January 2017. Earlier this month, Legacy’s Gaylen Rust […]