By Niclas Molinder on April 18, 2017
ASCAP, metadata, royalties, songwriting

Niclas Molinder’s Auddly song project app was a big hit at the ASCAP “I Create Music” Expo, where creatives were eager to embrace technologies that could help protect copyright and manage royalties in the digital era. Speaking on the panel “Getting Credit Where Credit is Due,” Molinder, who hails from Sweden, was nice enough to provide […]
By Paula Parisi on April 18, 2017
ASCAP, legislation, regulation, songwriters
Business, Legal, News

ASCAP President Paul Williams led a bipartisan effort to to galvanize songwriters in a battle for regulatory reform, while representatives Karen Bass (D-CA) and Doug Collins (R-GA) urged the audience at the April 14 panel discussion “Music Licensing Reform: Fight For Your Rights” to do just that. “If you’re so passionate about writing your music, […]
By Paula Parisi on April 16, 2017
ASCAP, credits, songwriters
Business, Legal, News

Earning a fair wage was the running theme at the ASCAP “I Create Music” Expo, where the transition to streaming and digital left many songwriters feeling their legacies being blown away like so much dust in the wind. “Little by little, our names are being erased from existence,” said songwriter and producer Desmond Child, whose work has been […]